Saturday, February 14, 2009


I have recently found out about a few places you can go to online to get extra coupons that you can use in the store.

Cellfire lets you "load" coupons onto your store savings card. In this case, our region only allows Smith's Grocery store cards. I don't have a card number, but the card is saved under my phone number. I was able to sign up online and save multiple coupons for really great products to my store card. No coupons to clip or carry to the store! If I am not mistaken, when you purchase these items and use your store savings card, they will automatically be redeemed and you can use a manufacturer's coupon on top of that to add to the savings. If not, it's still a great way to just store and save coupons to get good deals. Some phones will be able to get other coupons for retainers such as Hollywood Video that the store will just scan right off of your phone. Mine does not, so good luck with your phone! Also, check out the blog (the link is at the bottom of the web page) for additional coupons and savings.

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