Monday, June 22, 2009

80% off at

Click here to visit You can see all of the participating restaurants by typing in your zip code, or just search by state. Great if you are planning to travel! You can print out the gift certificate right away or save it for later, but buy now before they sell out!

*You DO NOT need to purchase a $25 gift certificate to get 80% off. Just apply the discount code DISH to your order before you check out and it will discount any amount of gift certificate that you have in your cart.

$10 = $0.60!!
$25 = $2.00
$50 = $4.00

**make sure to look at the conditions for each individual restaurant. I believe all of them require a minimum purchase. It can either be purchasing 2 or more entrees or a certain dollar amount, such as $20.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's been a while...

I haven't been doing any posts for a couple of weeks because with the warmer weather comes more activities! Which is good, rather than being stuck indoors. But you would think with all this rain, I would be indoors more... I have also started school, so I am not planning on posting much because of that either. Here are my favorite blogs and web sites where I find most of my frugal info:

Pinching Your Pennies
Grocery Smarts **use passport g83cmm for Utah**

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Reminder: Get your FREE Orange Julius on June 19

Here's your reminder to get your FREE Orange Julius 20 oz. Light Smoothie on June 19! You need to print your coupon and bring it in. I'm sure these will go fast, so if you can, be sure to arrive early. If you miss out on the free smoothie, you can print off a $1.00 coupon here.
Click here for locations.