Monday, April 6, 2009

FREE cereal + $10 overage!

** UPDATE: I wanted to get more of this cereal so I could get the catalinas, and I was really fortunate to get my hands on multiple $2 off coupons, so my Albertson's let me pre-pay for 15 more boxes of cereal before the sale ended. I'm so glad that they let me do this, because I was tired of going to the store just to see they were sold out of the cereal. So after everything, I spent only a few dollars on tax and got $25 in free groceries on future visits! I have also heard from family that this cereal is amazing.

I finally some Trail Mix Crunch cereals at an Albertson's by my house. I have literally gone to 1-2 different Albertson's every day to try and find some but they are always sold off the shelves. I was lucky enough to grab 10. I only had 5 of the $2/1 coupons with me, but I couldn't risk not getting more. I will get more of the coupons and go back with them to get my $$ back. The sale for the cereal is this:

Post cereal $2.07 single purchase
Save $1.00 when you purchase 2, bringing them down to $1.57 each.
When you buy 2, you get a $2/off catalina
When you buy 3, get a $3/off catalina
When you buy 5, get a $5/off catalina

Catalina's are coupons that print off at the register and are handed to you with your reciept. They are coupons to use on your next purchase, and usually just a dollar amount off of your total. Some may be a coupon for a specific item.

So I bought 10 boxes of cereal in seperate transactions, because after buying the first 5, I decided to go back and get more before they run out.

For my first transaction, 4 boxes of the cereal rang up as $1.57 apiece and the 5th box rang up as $2.07. Even though the coupons were for $2/1, she only took $1.57 off each box. She should have taken the full $2.00 off coupon for the last box, but I think she was on a roll and only took $1.57 off. Not a big deal, only paying $0.50 for 5 boxes of cereal, but since I will be going back anyway with my coupons, I'll just get my $0.50 back too.

So, my total OOP for the 5 boxes of cereal after tax (and a drink): $2.30 - $0.50: $1.80
And then I got my $5 off catalina

2nd transaction:
5 boxes of trail mix crunch
4 at $1.57 each
1 at $2.07
OOP: paid $8.60
And got my $5 off catalina
Will go back today with 5 $2/1 coupons and get all of my money back.

I'm not sure how they will figure out tax, but if they do the same thing and only give $1.57 back for 4 of the boxes of cereal, plus my $0.50 back from the first transaction, I will get back at least $8.78

So all in all, I got 10 boxes of cereal for FREE and got $10 FREE money/coupons to use on my next purchase! Woo hoo!

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